Monday, March 19, 2012


It's been a busy couple weeks! Today is day 43 of my 90-Day Challenge - not quite half-way through and I'm MORE than half-way to my goal!!! I wanted to lose 30lbs by May 6 and I'm down just over 17lbs to date! I'm over the moon!


So far, I haven't set foot in a gym - well, unless you count the work-out I did with "Big Vinny Mack", former Biggest Loser contestant and current ViSalus promoter (like me!). He was a guest speaker at the Fresh Start Fitness expo I attended on Saturday. Wow - was that great! There was a cooking demo and a nurse from Vanderbilt that spoke to us about nutrition and then Vinny gave a very motivating "if-I-can-do-this-you-can-too" talk... and then... they sprung it on us. We were going to work out with Vinny.

Thankfully, I went in sneakers, warm-up pants and a t-shirt, so I was all set. Ha!! I thought I was going to puke after about 3 minutes. Seriously. We ran, we did push ups, crunches, lunges, ran more, roll-on-the-floor things... somewhere along the way, I think I just blacked out... because I can't remember all the things we did. I didn't even do it all and I was a sweaty mess when I left, but I did get this awesome post-workout pic of Vinny and me!

And I've adopted his motto... If I can do this, you can, too! Join me!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Baby Steps

Hello, my name is Amy James and I am an addict.

Everyone together now... "Hiiiii, Amy!" My addiction? Weighing myself.

Must. Stop. Now.

Of course, it's hard to evaluate your results on a 90-Day Health Challenge if you don't weigh yourself ever, right? Right.

But every day is not necessary. And 3-4 times a day is certainly not healthy. And this Challenge is about HEALTH, after all. Not just physical, but emotional, mental, spiritual... financial, even. I am working on getting healthy - not skinny. If I stick to the plan (which I am LOVING, by the way), my body will respond. I don't need to check my progress constantly.

For the record, I should point out that I have lost and am still losing... so it's not that I've stalled or gained and I'm feeling bad...I haven't felt better and had so much energy in a long, long time. If I had known eating healthily would feel - and TASTE - so good, I wouldn't be in this position now.

It's just that the scale is too powerful. Depending on what it says, I can be thrilled and encouraged or defeated and disappointed. That fluctuation of 1-2lbs throughout the day is #1 not a true indicator of my progress and #2 should not even matter. I am in this for the long haul. And I understand and accept that it is going to be a long haul. And I'm okay with that.

So I going to start by cutting back to weighing myself once a week. Monday mornings will be my day to step on the scale. And take a deep breath, cross my fingers, say a little prayer and look...

Step 1 is admitting you have a problem.