Monday, March 19, 2012


It's been a busy couple weeks! Today is day 43 of my 90-Day Challenge - not quite half-way through and I'm MORE than half-way to my goal!!! I wanted to lose 30lbs by May 6 and I'm down just over 17lbs to date! I'm over the moon!


So far, I haven't set foot in a gym - well, unless you count the work-out I did with "Big Vinny Mack", former Biggest Loser contestant and current ViSalus promoter (like me!). He was a guest speaker at the Fresh Start Fitness expo I attended on Saturday. Wow - was that great! There was a cooking demo and a nurse from Vanderbilt that spoke to us about nutrition and then Vinny gave a very motivating "if-I-can-do-this-you-can-too" talk... and then... they sprung it on us. We were going to work out with Vinny.

Thankfully, I went in sneakers, warm-up pants and a t-shirt, so I was all set. Ha!! I thought I was going to puke after about 3 minutes. Seriously. We ran, we did push ups, crunches, lunges, ran more, roll-on-the-floor things... somewhere along the way, I think I just blacked out... because I can't remember all the things we did. I didn't even do it all and I was a sweaty mess when I left, but I did get this awesome post-workout pic of Vinny and me!

And I've adopted his motto... If I can do this, you can, too! Join me!!

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