Friday, April 13, 2012

What a week. Sorry... 2 weeks.

Won't get into the personal details, but if you're reading this... say a little prayer for my family as so many are going through a tough time right now.

Still on track with my fitness plan... eating right, loving my ViSalus and getting a little exercise in. Down another 6lbs since my last post, I think.

Sorry... in a fog. Here... read this.

It's good stuff and will probably be more enjoyable reading than anything I can write now.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Half way there...

I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post... I've been very busy. With my work as a site-selection specialist, my new ViSalus business, my other data-entry position, my boyfriend's crazy health scare(s), spring cleaning (which never ends), and, of course, my weight-loss Challenge.

I'm happy to report that all it going well... all of it. Clients are happy, Vi-business is taking off, boyfriend gets to keep his stomach (not a typo... they were really thinking about removing his stomach!), the house is still a mess, but coming along, and (drumroll, please) I am down 21 pounds!!

About 10 days or so ago, I posted on Facebook that I was at the half-way point of my 90-Day Challenge... Day 46. 45 days behind and 45 days in front of me. I was so happy to be reporting that I was MORE than half way to my original goal of losing 30lbs - I was 18.6lbs down and thrilled with that!

Imagine my delight when a week later, I was looking at a calendar for something unrelated and counting weeks to discover that I had been off by a week. I was NOW half-way through and I was NOW a little over 20lbs down!! Today, as I type this, I'm exactly 7 weeks in and 21.6lbs down!! I have "officially" changed my goal to lose 40lbs by May 11.

I got this.

I would love to help you reach your fitness goals, as well. Let me know what YOU would like to change about your body and your health in the next 90 days and I'll help you get there.

Monday, March 19, 2012


It's been a busy couple weeks! Today is day 43 of my 90-Day Challenge - not quite half-way through and I'm MORE than half-way to my goal!!! I wanted to lose 30lbs by May 6 and I'm down just over 17lbs to date! I'm over the moon!


So far, I haven't set foot in a gym - well, unless you count the work-out I did with "Big Vinny Mack", former Biggest Loser contestant and current ViSalus promoter (like me!). He was a guest speaker at the Fresh Start Fitness expo I attended on Saturday. Wow - was that great! There was a cooking demo and a nurse from Vanderbilt that spoke to us about nutrition and then Vinny gave a very motivating "if-I-can-do-this-you-can-too" talk... and then... they sprung it on us. We were going to work out with Vinny.

Thankfully, I went in sneakers, warm-up pants and a t-shirt, so I was all set. Ha!! I thought I was going to puke after about 3 minutes. Seriously. We ran, we did push ups, crunches, lunges, ran more, roll-on-the-floor things... somewhere along the way, I think I just blacked out... because I can't remember all the things we did. I didn't even do it all and I was a sweaty mess when I left, but I did get this awesome post-workout pic of Vinny and me!

And I've adopted his motto... If I can do this, you can, too! Join me!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Baby Steps

Hello, my name is Amy James and I am an addict.

Everyone together now... "Hiiiii, Amy!" My addiction? Weighing myself.

Must. Stop. Now.

Of course, it's hard to evaluate your results on a 90-Day Health Challenge if you don't weigh yourself ever, right? Right.

But every day is not necessary. And 3-4 times a day is certainly not healthy. And this Challenge is about HEALTH, after all. Not just physical, but emotional, mental, spiritual... financial, even. I am working on getting healthy - not skinny. If I stick to the plan (which I am LOVING, by the way), my body will respond. I don't need to check my progress constantly.

For the record, I should point out that I have lost and am still losing... so it's not that I've stalled or gained and I'm feeling bad...I haven't felt better and had so much energy in a long, long time. If I had known eating healthily would feel - and TASTE - so good, I wouldn't be in this position now.

It's just that the scale is too powerful. Depending on what it says, I can be thrilled and encouraged or defeated and disappointed. That fluctuation of 1-2lbs throughout the day is #1 not a true indicator of my progress and #2 should not even matter. I am in this for the long haul. And I understand and accept that it is going to be a long haul. And I'm okay with that.

So I going to start by cutting back to weighing myself once a week. Monday mornings will be my day to step on the scale. And take a deep breath, cross my fingers, say a little prayer and look...

Step 1 is admitting you have a problem.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Didn't expect to hear from me so soon, did you?

I'm really TRYING to do better at this blogging thing. I feel it will keep ME accountable and may keep YOU inspired. But maybe that's a little presumptuous... on both counts. Ha!

I just wanted to come here and document my excitement! I have lost about 10lbs! Woohooooo! So far, it's been pretty easy, too. As I mentioned, I'm participating in (and promoting) the ViSalus "Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge" so I'm using the ViSalus meal replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch, incorporating healthy snacks in between, then I have a healthy dinner. I've adopted the theme "lean & green" - my dinners consist of a lean meat (chicken, fish, pork) and a green veggie. I'm loving it - and my body is, too! (TMI moment: I have been more "regular" than ever!)

I also had a busy weekend in my hometown of Owensboro KY - 5 friends signed up to join me on the 90-Day Challenge and 1 decided to become a Promoter! I am LOVING helping others achieve their health and financial goals!!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Starting Over... AGAIN

I'm not a good blogger. I went to create an account and found that I already HAD an account... after trying all the passwords I usually use, resetting it, logging in again, etc... I find this blog and one past post - from 2007!! REALLY??? Five years ago, I decided to blog and did it ONE time??? Never to return again? Good grief.

I'm an even WORSE "dieter." I don't have any patience - I want to start a plan on one day and wake up skinny the next. If anyone reading this knows that magic formula, let me know... until then, I've discovered something that I actually LOVE and, best of all, I'm seeing results - fast! I have tried every plan out there...

My last venture was Weight Watchers. And I'm not here to knock it - I know millions of people have found success with WW and it works for them... but I found that the "freedom" that comes with it, while it works for many people, for ME, it was just a trigger. I would tell myself, "it's okay to eat this cookie as long as I count the points," but then I'd eat the whole bag... ugh. In 3 months, I lost 13 lbs, then the holidays came and I gained it all back and just never could get back on track.

Then, last month, I found out about a friend of mine that lost 100# in less than a year... naturally, I asked HOW?? That's when she told me about the Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge. She said "by setting small, realistic goals in 90 day increments, with the help of one of five different ViSalus Kits, you can achieve your goals!" I figured... heck, I can stick with ANYthing for 3 months - what do I have to lose?

I decided to try it and have set a goal to lose 30 pounds in 90 days. It's only been 10 days and I'm already down 8 pounds!! I use the ViSalus Meal Replacement Shakes for b'fast and lunch, and have healthy snacks and a healthy dinner. I find that the shakes satisfy my sweet craving, so I'm less tempted - and I tend to eat nuts, cheese, veggies, etc... for my snacks, so I don't crave salty/savory stuff either. I feel great, have tons of energy, and, best of all, the weight is coming off!!

It's also very affordable - less than $1.75 per shake - maybe $2.00-3.00 if you add the cost of skim milk (or soy, or almond, or whatever milk you prefer), fresh fruit, flavoring, etc... if you want to add to the shakes, but don't you spend that much on the food you're eating now??? AND, if you get 3 friends to take the Challenge with you, yours is FREE!! (I did this in my first 6 days!)

Before you ask, YES, ViSalus is one of those companies that you can become a Promoter and make money (just like Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Arbonne, etc...) - I know people are skeptical of "MLMs" and I get it... but I'll be honest, when I did my research and decided to take the Challenge, I figured, "if it works, if I can help other people achieve their fitness goals, and I HAPPEN to get paid for it... WHY NOT?" But you don't HAVE to become a Promoter - there are many people having great success on the Challenge that are strictly Customers, and not Promoters.

Whatever works for you is the BEST choice you can make and if you're happy where you are and you are seeing results, GOOD FOR YOU!!! Keep up the good work!!!! But I am finding that THIS is working for me and, if you see yourself here in my words at all and would like more info, let me know.

I'm on Facebook at: or you can email me at